Monday, July 22, 2019

Unit 12: Checking and confirming

1- Data

( total - about - approximately - more than - less than - at least )

2- Instructions

( move- forward - rotate - reverse - go up - roll down - go round - stop - push - bull - turn - press )

3- Progress

(assemble - disassemble- attach- bring- connect- disconnect- inspect- remove- repair- replace - take - test - lubricate- install ).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Unit 11: Causes and Effects

1- Pistons and valves - المكابس والصمامات

2- Switches and relays - المفاتيح والمرحلات 
3- Rotors and turbines -
                           الاستطوانات الدوارة والتربينات  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Word family

unit 7: Specifications - class 2 week 1

1- Dimensions:

                   Adjective    -      noun
high     -     height 
long     -     length 
deep    -     depth 
wide    -     width 

2- Quantities 

countable and uncountable nouns

countable and uncountable nouns

- How many?
- How much?
- What colour?
- What size?
- What type?
- What kind?

2- Future projects 
Use will and won't to predict a future or event.

1- The engineers will start the tube in 2100.
2- The tube will be under the Atlantic Ocean.
3- The train will use Magnetism. 
4- The tube will contain a vacuum. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

class 1 week 1

-Introduce yourself
- Write 5 sentences about yourself
- getting to know each other
- what are your hobbies and interests?
- what do you expect to learn from this course? 
- what do you want to do after collage?

- Every language has its logic and systems:
(Sounds - Form - Meaning)
1- grammar
2- vocabulary
3- phonology
4- discourse -  (syntax - semantics) 

We need to break it down to small pieces to make it easier to understand.
- study cards 

mobile specifications

Unit 7 Specifications المواصفات