Friday, March 26, 2021

Ahamd Almarghalani - The Viking Age -

    This presentation is for Technical English 1. Prepared by Ahmad Abdullah AlMarghalani. He is a student at Jeddah college of Telecommunications and Electronics. Semester one 2020. This presentation was one the main course projects. Each students was instructed to prepare and record a three minute presentation and share it with the class. That was part of a class presentation contest.

    This presentation was recorded during the shutdown, so we had work online form home. Students and teachers and educators had to work online. Group number 42936

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Abdullah Fallatah - Presentation for Technical English 1 semester 1 - 2020

    This presentation is for Technical English 1 Semester 1 - 2020. It was prepared by Abdulhadi Fallatah. He is a student at Jeddah college of Telecommunications and Electronics.

     The presentation was one of the main course projects. Each students was instructed to prepare and record a three minute presentation and share it with the class. That was part of a class presentation contest.