Monday, July 22, 2019

Unit 12: Checking and confirming

1- Data

( total - about - approximately - more than - less than - at least )

2- Instructions

( move- forward - rotate - reverse - go up - roll down - go round - stop - push - bull - turn - press )

3- Progress

(assemble - disassemble- attach- bring- connect- disconnect- inspect- remove- repair- replace - take - test - lubricate- install ).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Unit 11: Causes and Effects

1- Pistons and valves - المكابس والصمامات

2- Switches and relays - المفاتيح والمرحلات 
3- Rotors and turbines -
                           الاستطوانات الدوارة والتربينات  

Saturday, July 20, 2019